
and wellbeing

Regular health checks, healthy eating, keeping fit and good relationships are key to health and well-being.

Getting sufficient sleep and exercising regularly and safely are also important.

Millicent's Milieu'

A painting by Emma Rose inspired after her visit to Professor Stone, Millicent's Milieu'. Professor Stone is passionate about enabling each patient to gain a sense of wellness despite chronic illness. One of her patients, an esteemed artist, was inspired to paint this piece after she met with Professor Stone. The painting has a musculoskeletal theme and is unique to this artist's style. It is one of a kind in fact and portrays the artists/ patient's journey in breaking through pain to gain a sense of wellness. This painting hangs in Professor Stone's consultation room at The Physician's Clinic as a source of inspiration to other patients. It highlights the patient's perspective that seeing beyond pain can break through the constraints of pain on our journey towards wellness.



Patient Feedback

“In 2012 I met Millicent Stone when I was referred to her for insistent pain. I had been involved in a public art charity project which required me to crouch within a giant swan and paint it…probably one of Ms. Stone’s more unusual sources of joint aggravation. The aching was so bad that I had to stop painting

After our meetings, which included an MRI scan, hands on treatment and subsequent return to health, I was compelled to create and paint again. What emerged was something that reflected her world - her kind words and touch; the experience of being in a dark tube; the nerve endings and extraordinary insight into her expertise.

My eye tends to find beauty in unlikely places and I am very interested in the Japanese aesthetic of Wabi Sabi (the process and beauty of ageing which creates irregularity and imperfection) - combined with my love of colour, texture and form…the most unusual work of art evolved. It was also a painting I could never really envisage being on sale or being with anyone but Millicent. So imagine my joy when her esteemed colleague and friend decided that she simply had to have it” .

Emma Rose
