the london bridge
London Bridge is a private hospital offering the very highest standards of clinical skills and nursing care across a wide range of specialties. With advanced surgical and medical facilities and friendly, professional staff, they are committed to providing you with excellence. Whether you are an inpatient, day case or outpatient you will be cared for by a team of professionals who are dedicated to ensuring you receive the best possible treatment.
Professor Stone works as a Consultant Rheumatologist at London Bridge Hospital. She sees patients with General Rheumatology conditions and has a strong focus in spinal disorders including back pain. She works in collaboration with the London Neurosurgery Partnership in a multidisciplinary approach to care of patients with back and spine pain. She also special interests in health and well being of patients with chronic disease and female athletes who have issues with bone health and suffer from aspects of the female athlete triad.
Retired Athletes Clinic
Dr. Stone will run The Retired Athletes Clinic at this site, this is open to all professional and non-professional athletes at various stages during and after their career. Injury can lead to Osteoarthritis and this can have profound impact on quality of life in the athlete many years later, with loss of ability to work, to continue sport and often with the necessity for joint replacements. In addition, long distance runners and dancers can be prone to weight loss, amenorrhea (loss of periods) and at a later stage full blown osteoporosis Dr. Stone screens patients for risk of osteoporosis and offers comprehensive multidisciplinary advice on managing bone health in the athlete and lay person.
London Neurosurgery Partnership
Dr. Stone works closely with the London Neurosurgery Partnership as she has a strong interest in back pain and is considered a key opinion leader in her field.
The London Neurosurgery Partnership is a unique concept in the provision of neurosurgical care. The team comprises eight Consultant Neurosurgeons, all of whom are recognised super specialists in their given area of expertise. As a result they can ensure that every patient seen by the group is matched with the Consultant Neurosurgeon best placed by virtue of their training and expertise to deliver the individualised and state of the art care each patient deserves.